Hardened Target


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Time is you enemy, don't hesistate. Call the authorities immediately.

On average you have a 26 minute window of opportunity to find your stolen vehicle and belongings.



Preventative measures to avoid auto theft and auto break-in can be broken down into four different layers.

Common Sense

    1. Lock all doors
    2. Remove keys (do not leave your car running unattended)
    3. Close windows and sunroof
    4. Remove valuables
    5. Park in well-lit areas
    6. Do not leave registration or title in the car

These are the cheapest and easiest ways to prevent auto theft or auto break-in.


    1. Audible alarm system
    2. Steering wheel lock
    3. Security sticker
    4. Vehicle identification number etched on windows

In today’s world, car alarms are often ignored. Try using an alarm with a pager so that you can be alerted when your alarm is triggered.


    1. Kill switch
    2. Starter, ignition, or fuel disabler
    3. Smart key

Smart keys house a computer chip that requires the key to be present in order to start the vehicle.

Tracking System

    1. Lojack or other GPS system

A tracking system that emits a signal to police or a monitoring service can be utilized when a vehicle is reported stolen.